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Live your best Life from your heart with ease.

My Recent Inspiration


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Get familiar with your saboteurs – improve wellbeing and relationships

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Noticing your attitude when meditating: combining discipline and enjoyment

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Finding Flow: A Lifelong Exploration of Movement and Joy

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Exploring mindfulness: navigating emotions and feeling with poetry

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Using breath as the anchor amidst of it all

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Create more space for trust and be free

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Choose what you love

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Understanding The Noble Eightfold Path and how can it help with living well

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Life: Sacred Journey

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Harmonizing Timelessness: A Symphony of Wellness, Mindfulness, and Longevity”

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Living a Sustainable and Holistic Lifestyle: A Guide to Green Living with Hippocrates Wellness Principles

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Embracing a holistic approach to beauty

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Do you trust your Heart’s guidance?

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More present with your kids at school pick ups

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Coming home

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The journey of the soul

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Making friends with your monkey mind

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What would bring more peace to me right now?

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I am connected

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Feeling of Belonging

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All of me integration

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Getting real

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I am enough

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Wise heart

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Connection with own feeling – inner bonding process

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Everything in me is calling red today

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Be kind

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Star – We are who we are

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Base for collaboration

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Brave Living

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Spirit of the Great heart

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Emotional Detox

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What’s the best way to express heart?

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