Relaxing into wonder

Relaxing into wonder

The flickering sounds of the fire in stillness

burning away the willfulness

floating On the holy river  

like drop of water in the ocean


One falling into the One,

echoing the encounter,

Spreading stillness in the circles.

One falling into One.


The silence of potential,

What I feel

 is unclear,

can my experience turn into exponential?

feeling  Unity within

the connection becomes real.


I know I am here,

My body can dance out

This  mess

Unknown to my words to express.


The dissonance between things

sways with the lightness of being

what more am I seeing

further from limitation blinded before by believing.


On the bar codes of consciousness

Falling like drops from the sky

I surrender my resistance, my control, my illusions


Less judgement – more trust

With open arms embracing a stranger

To feel welcomed

Body reassured

Relaxing into wonder.


Loving with opened eyes

Laughing with opened chest

Embracing with joyful heart.

Finding Flow: A Lifelong Exploration of Movement and Joy

Finding Flow: A Lifelong Exploration of Movement and Joy

We had a living room big enough to put the couch cushions on the floor, music on the old gramophone, and let my body move, jump, roll, do whatever it felt to the music. And the end effect? I felt uplifted, joyful and great.

Don’t the majority of us, as children, actually have this natural movement and creativity inside of us, that as soon as we have the opportunity, we would use it to move?

Well, at least my childhood was full of that joyful movement. It wasn’t movement with agenda, to be fit, to keep in shape, to get my daily exercise regime in. No words like “I should, I need to” came to my mind to do it. It was just a natural part of being and expression.

I was about six years old when we moved to the house with that living room, with enough space that offered me space to move. Soon it became one of my favorite go-tos.

When I was a bit older, I found a yoga book on my mother’s bookshelf. It was a black and white book with the foundations of hatha yoga, guiding through the basic asanas, and of course  a couple of sequences with sun salutations. So I used that as my guidance for a while, making the asanas, knowing as well that one of my mom’s practices in the morning before work was a sun salutation. I am not sure if now, at the age of 85, she still has it as her morning routine, but at that time, and still now in my mind, she was an inspiring role model.

The accessibility of that white and black yoga book on the shelf was enough to keep me playing with the asanas. Trying them out, and enjoying it with curiosity. Looking back, a proper yoga teacher would probably realign my poses and bring my attention to something to improve, yet I feel grateful and happy for that experience focused just on the freedom of exploration.

In grade 1, I was introduced to rhythmic movement. The teacher encouraged us to do some group movement, and I remember more stiffness in my body, which was new to me. This experience of how being in the group (and getting older) kicked in new feelings of self-judgement that automatically restricted the flow of movement of my body. Mistakes were something in movement with a group and that fear of getting lost in my body and forgetting the next steps was keeping me somewhat stiff.

I kept this movement as part of my life, experienced different ways of dancing, from group jazz ballet, modern ballet, ballroom dancing, cheerleading in high school, back to modern ballet, and fitness.

In my twenties, I filled in as a group fitness trainer for a while. Then, I assembled a small dance group called “Vivere”, which means “to Live” and choreographed a routine, which we performed on stage, and which received great feedback from the audience.

I also joined an Academy of fitness and aerobics show team. This was a group of health and movement enthusiasts that performed as promotors of movement, healthy body and Academy of fitness and aerobics. Even though we had many trainings, the main feeling I experienced was joy – the joy of cocreating choreographies, the joy of a well-functioning body and connecting to the body, and the joy produced by the music and the company of others.

When I started my first serious job, I put my focus on that, let go of the show team and found a great yoga teacher with Saturday classes. For a while, those morning Saturday yoga practices my sister and I attended, followed by a social morning coffee , became the movement of the week I was really looking forward to. A feeling of joy and aliveness was in my body again!

When I became pregnant with my first son, pilates was my main go-to for supporting my body and mind* – incorporating the breath, feeling the effects of small mindful movements related to the engagement of some muscles, and disassociating the habitual ways of engaging some others. I have learned to shift my focus of attention and became more intentional about what parts of my body I am using and how.

Later on, in my thirties, when I was already running my own company as a life coach, I took salsa classes and those group classes brought a lot of sparkle in my life. One evening a week, it was my happy movement moment. This attraction to salsa wasn’t limited in my life to just the once a week dancing. My friends and I used to go to concerts and music events with salsa musicians and dance. I cherish the memory of when my husband and I travelled to Cuba and danced salsa with the locals. I don’t quite understand where this salsa passion comes from, but I concluded that amidst my thoughts and focus, salsa gave space to my emotions to express in more dramatic, yet still confined space.

When we moved to South Africa, I found a yoga studio and dance studio, and for a while I had an opportunity to practise more of both. My favorite yoga practice then was Yin Yoga, a practice where with closed eyes you let go of comparisons with others and tune into your body.

It is also one of the practices that is sometimes called restorative. It is learning how in doing less, and opening to gravity, you are actually doing a lot by not doing.

It was after sitting quietly after one of the sessions that I experienced what I would describe for me the most profound spiritual experience in my meditative practice. The feeling, if I access it now was not the hyped up happiness and outgoingness as I would have known from other more hyped up practices, it was the inside, more peaceful deep joy of feeling deep connection within.

One of the practices where you explore how in stillness of being and movement, where you experience the connection between body and earth, tension and release, is tai chi. The repetition of practice and attention to little nuances and feeling also makes it very humbling and requires quite some patience. And the effect is very grounded, stable presence and recognizing of pushing forward or learning to let go to move forward. It allows you many mindful observations as well of the personality patterns in life and how to work on it. It also produces a lot of heat in the body and builds strength in the legs with relaxed shoulders and top.

In the journey with mindfulness meditation and coaching it is a very aligned practice that nourishes and offers me growth on many levels.

Nowadays when I work with the clients it’s beautiful to have an experience with a wide array of movement practices. Some of practices that ignite that cardio, or some where there is space more to step into being with your body, learning to slow down an be with yourself and body.

Ideally finding some balance, flow and including both with ease and joy into the weekly routines.

Exploring mindfulness: navigating emotions and feeling with poetry

Exploring Mindfulness: Navigating Emotions and Feelings Through Poetry

This week’s theme is linked to feelings and emotions. The mindfulness of emotions and feelings is one of the foundations of mindfulness practice, therefore one of the essential practices and talks. Working with emotions and feelings requires patience and fine tuning into realizing what is a clean feeling, what is interpretation, what is emotion – reaction to something and what is that saying to us, what are we doing with it.

In relation to this topic I am sharing this month one of the past observations and writings with respect to a strong feeling or emotion and how does it feel to be with it.



Slowly I have learned

That this what I feel

is not the whole of me.

A part that in that moment took over the rest

So strong that all other parts

Hid away behind the bushes and the rocks

Timidly observed this giant

Taking over the stage,

Forgetting it is not alone.

 Even my soul in the moment of this coup

Could buy into this illusion

And forget that what is looking at Is just a finger on the hand,

Pointing so vigorously that It feels like sea sick with gaze caught up in mesmerizing movement.

 You are an important finger, and so is the one next to you.

With deep breath I land back in my heart, my center,

With another I stand in the middle of my head,

I hold the third to notice more.

 Soon there is much more to see,

In my humbleness I smile to the change.


The wind blows, the silence comes

It’s gone a moment later.

Did you catch it? Did you hold it? Did you let it go?


Using breath as the anchor amidst of it all

Using breath as the anchor amidst of it all

Can you recall from one of the movies a plane scene, when a character would reach for a paper bag and start to breathe deeply in an out of the bag to calm down?

Situations where people can get into a reaction of hyperventilating, freezing and holding? A reaction in breath, due to an external event on which we are reacting.

It feels there is not space for thinking, so whatever has been integrated in your capacity to respond, is already there, or it isn’t. There is an element of surprise, the strong unexpected external event brings up something in you. Often in that reaction there is the truth of what is it in you.

In some practices of leadership embodiment (Wendy Palmer) that trigger is practiced in a  group. When you are spontaneously walking with someone, are you holding the hand tight, is there fear there of letting them go? When someone is in front of you and pulls your hands, do you move back, forward, freeze or able to stay in your centre? Those are couple of reactions that are prevalent when our body is provoked by external swift event.

It’s kind of all that you have been practicing for, accumulated, will it be awakened and seamlessly put into behavior.

This unexpected can be different things in our environment:  big storm, floods, lots of confusing communication, all of a sudden finding yourself in deep waters after having past trauma of drowning in a shallow one, a big wave coming, after experiencing how it is being underneath and feeling it’s holding you down, in a moment not knowing will I get a chance to breathe again?

Imagine that all the fear of not having enough time is gone. That you have the capacity to wait and hold your breath or breathe to the capacity that you are able to until you breathe again in full, in flow, relaxed? That makes a major difference. A lense that there is space and time and relaxing into it with Trust, makes a difference between a panic and going under or trusting the moment.

Choose what you love

Choose what you love

This is a poem that I share with my clients as a simple example of how we can find something about our body that we love and appreciate. Often I hear women pick up and focus on the parts of their body that they don’t like or they would change and fix. This is an invitation  to find and focus on the positive at least as equally as our mind can be pulled into negative. 

Choose what you love

I love my hands, the elegance, how they feel and how they look when they are touching clay, most of all from my body, I love my hands. 

I love my limbs, they are long and athletic. 

I love the soles of my feet. 

I love my ribs and how they expand. 

I love my liver and kidneys. 

I love the inner perfection of aligned working together. 

I love my honesty and willingness to learn. 

I love my heart and willingness to look into it, even though I often feel afraid and confused. 

And sometimes I just feel oh my not again, why do I want to look into how I feel time and time again. I rebel. 

Then reminding myself to stay with, look deeper, see more. (B.Cukjati)


Understanding The Noble Eightfold Path and how can it help with living well

Understanding The Noble Eightfold Path and how can it help with living well

Pain and suffering

In mindfulness there is a saying Pain is inevitable suffering is optional. According to Buddhist teaching if we follow the noble Eighfold path, we can overcome suffering.

8 fold path is a list that includes moral virtue, wisdom and meditative culmination of heart and mind. The list of eight is the following:

  1. Right understanding
  2. Right thought
  3. Right speech
  4. Right action
  5. Right livelihood
  6. Right effort
  7. Right mindfulness
  8. Right concentration

Intention to aspire to make the aligned choices with the 8fold path and be gentle and understanding to self is a good starting point.

Wings of Love and wisdom

Why would I do that at all besides overcoming the suffering, is because there is something in me that deeply resonates with what Tara Brach presented as two wings that we are cultivating: the wing of Love and wing of Wisdom.

 Now true wisdom doesn’t mean that we have read and memorized x amount of books and we can intellectualize on the topic for hours. Maybe you have come across this pyramid that says we can have data, then usage of data is information and information used in practice and integrated with learning is wisdom. And true Love also is not romantic, is deep, it’s strong and powerful and not mushy at all.

Story with the bird

Yesterday I came into a room and I could hear a pigeon trying to get out and trying to find its way. He was banging into the glass repeatedly, not recognizing where the window ends and where there is freedom of him flying away. I have learned that if you approach a butterfly, or a bird and trying to hold them and put them outside, they become more scared of your presence and that hectic wanting to go out accelerates or totally freezes. This time I decided to try to approach the pigeon with as much stillness that I can without my nervous system automatically reacting to the unusual situation. And I put on the thin gloves for me and the pigeon sake. I don’t know who was more scared. I could feel the wings reacting, and I could feel my belly reacting. So I needed to find a space in myself to hold and let go. And we managed. I let him go and he flew away.

Or how the website Tricycle says it:

 “Here compassion represents love, charity, kindness, tolerance, and such noble qualities on the emotional side, or qualities of the heart, while wisdom would stand for the intellectual side or the qualities of the mind. If one develops only the emotional, neglecting the intellectual, one may become a good-hearted fool; while to develop only the intellectual side [and] neglecting the emotional may turn one into a hard-hearted intellect without feeling for others.”

Practical living with this in mind

To be honest one can, well depending on personality some more then others, easily fall into taking this in a prescriptive way. Or…  there is another way of keeping that knowledge somewhere in mind and observing oneself:

  • how am I making my decisions,
  • how am I using my words,
  • am I allowing myself to believe all my thoughts,
  • how does it feel when I step more into my heartspace, lovingkindess, nurturing to self and others
  • where is it tempting to put in too much force and when am I giving up too fast because of fear, how am I nurturing my body, so that I keep my mind clear.
  • What am I believing and how am I understanding this situation, is this the truth or there is also another perspective, that is more liberating?
  • How often I am returning to my breath and body as the anchor to this moment?
  • How is this situation for me, is it pleasant or unpleasant, am I paying attention at all to what I am feeling?

This for someone who studies Buddhism is oversimplification of the richness and depth it is offered in text, yet I am sharing this through my own lens and putting this in practice to the extent that is available for me at this point and it might serve as a spark of thought and action for some of you as well.

Life: Sacred Journey

Holistic Living: Insights from Dr. Gladys McGarey on Health, Healing, and the Sacred Journey

Dr. Gladys McGarey is a centarian who is considered a mother of holistic medicine. I was drawn to her by her recent book The well lived life and then watched her ted talk and listened to a podcast with her on the Besides her practice, she has previously published also following books: Living medicine, The physician within you, The world needs old ladies.

Today she is 104 years old and as far as I could read up on her, she is still offers life consultation.

Doing what you love and keep moving

In my recent articles, I delved into the topic of longevity and examined the lives of centenarians. Yet, what truly captivates me is the example of Gladys McGarey. At the age of 100, she not only delivered a Tedx talk but also maintained a 10-year plan. Using a walker equipped with a watch tracking her 3000 steps a day, she demonstrates that embracing assistance is perfectly acceptable. It’s her vibrant attitude toward life, fueled by what she describes as “Juice,” that truly makes life an incredible journey.

Discovering one’s own path

In the interview, she emphasizes the significance of discovering one’s own path. When she says “find your own,” I interpret it as developing a personalized approach to self-care rooted in love, care, and a thriving mindset.

Can I?

As individuals, we often seek the recipe or grant ourselves permission to engage in certain activities. After hearing her perspective, I decided to permit myself to be more flexible in selecting self-care practices. Typically, I tend to overthink whether something is a genuine need or excessive indulgence. By allowing a bit more freedom to follow what feels good, I address my internal questioning of “Can I?” and challenge the ingrained discipline that tells me I don’t need certain things. This adjustment involves granting myself more permission to enjoy and acknowledge that it’s okay to do so.

Activating our Life force with Love


What does that mean in practice? When we feel the Love and Life running through our bodies, we recognize our conditioning to control and allow ourselves to surrender more for Life and Love to move through us. This is where for me mindfulness of the body plays a role.

As we practice this mindful awareness, we also adopt an accepting attitude towards whatever arises, acknowledging that every aspect belongs to the current experience. This gradual acceptance and allowing facilitate an internal shift, paving the way for the unrestricted movement and flow of life and love through our being.

Dr. McGarey says: “You [have to] feel and know life is there to be lived. You have to live it,” she says. (source: ):

The 5 l’s on living medicine:

Life: ife is like a seed. It has a shell around it. It has all the energy of the universe within it,” says McGarey. According to McGarey, life’s positive transformation requires our activation. Symbolically, in the Hippocratic lifestyle, the process of sprouting signifies an awareness of the seed, water, and life itself. This year, I involved my son and husband in a beginning-of-the-year ritual where we expressed our intentions using sprouting jars. It symbolized a proactive step towards initiating positive change in our lives.

Love: “Love is the activating factor. It cracks the shell,” she says. “It’s the whole aspect of life as we come into it and take our first breath.” For me that is that watering aspect, watering with love, adding water to the seed.


Laughter:  “Laughter without love is cruel. It’s mean [and] cold,” McGarey says. “But laughter with love is joy and happiness.”


Labor: Labor with love is bliss. It’s why a singer sings, why a painter paints, why I became a doctor. It’s what juices you up. It’s what makes you really know: ‘This is who the inner core of me is.’” Pay attention to what drives you, she adds.


Listening: “Listening without love is empty sound,” says McGarey. “But listening with love is understanding.” When you’re able to find people who understand you and what your purpose is, life becomes more fulfilling.

Where is gratitude in this 5ls?  

Gratitude can be a foundation for the 5ls. The practice of gratitude gradually opens up to Acceptance and Love. Gratitude is a very fertile ground to the 5ls.

What do you do when things are challenging?

The other day I was cleaning up the old children’s books, choosing what to keep and what to pass on. One of the books that I kept as a reminder was a book called: “We are going on a bear hunt.” This book has a repeating line: “we can’t go under it, we can’t go over it, we got to go through it.” And so it is that I have this story as a reminder that when we get a challenge, you keep on steady going through it. That reminds us also Tara Brach in her book Radical acceptance. She writes: “The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom. Clearly recognizing what is happening inside us, and regarding what we see with an open, kind and loving heart, is what I call Radical Acceptance.”

What is included in the word holistic?

We today use the word holistic for many different things. McGarey explains that when they were coming up with the word that would offer complementary side to traditional medicine, they were thinking of including three elements:

  • health
  • healing
  • holy

When I was with on the international conference for Enneagram practitioners in Cape Town, organized by Integrative 9 ( one year they call it Holism. As a guest speaker Ginger Lapid Bogda has been guiding us more through “What does it mean to be whole?” so there is this aspect of holy or whole.

How to understand holy? For someone who is religious that would mean belonging to or coming from God, sacred. For someone who doesn’t follow a particular religion the meaning might be:  regarded with or deserving deep respect, awe, reverence, or adoration (source: Or to someone else, maybe the understanding of the origin of the sound of word might bring the most value in understanding: ME holie < OE halig (akin to Ger heilig) < base of OE hal, sound, happy, whole.

In this article we have explored  Dr. Gladys McGarey as an example of a person, who at the age of 104 is an inspiration for all the 5ls she writes in Living medicine. Life itself is a medicine she says and may this article inspire you to cultivate this 5ls, gratitude and recognize where you get stuck in Fear and with gentle determination move through it to more Love.

Harmonizing Timelessness: A Symphony of Wellness, Mindfulness, and Longevity”

wellness, mindfulless and longevity, exploring practices and my own point of view

Our AISCT connect choir’s choice to sing Alphaville’s “Forever Young” sparked my curiosity. Navigating healthy lifestyle choices and inspired by Hippocrates wellness institute, I questioned what is this about living forever?  Unlike Alexander the Great, I’m not on a world-conquering mission, and the pursuit of immortality feels daunting.

However, I aim to live well, maintain a strong body and sharp mind, and good heart, for activities like playing with grandchildren and doing my daily chores, maybe writing, coaching and enriching relationships with others.  Studying mindfulness, rooted in Buddhism, reveals the power of radical acceptance, even in challenging situations like disability. So with that in mind that being able bodied is what I am now, and being aware that for some people all body and full breath might not be available and still can find an attitude there which gives inner contentment.  

Besides the Forever young song, I am sharing in this article some conclusions from Netflix documentary on centenarians, dr. Atitia’s book Outlive, practices that are part of Hippocrates lifestyle and mindfulness practices.

Netflix’s exploration of centenarian lives became a source of inspiration and reflection. Witnessing the lives of those in Sardinia and Okinawa, I found myself drawn to the simplicity of their joy, the richness of their relationships, and the purpose that infused each day. What stood out was their lack of grasping for health and youth; instead, it was their natural way of getting up in the morning and engaging in life. Their stories prompted me to reassess the markers of a fulfilling life and consider the profound impact of social connections, purposeful living, and physical engagement on overall well-being.

Outlive book

Dr. Peter Attia’s book, “Outlive,” delves into the science and art of extending our healthspan and lifespan. As a renowned physician and longevity expert, Dr. Attia explores the factors that contribute to a longer, healthier life. From nutrition and exercise to cutting-edge medical interventions, “Outlive” provides a roadmap for those seeking to optimize their well-being and outlive the conventional limitations of aging. He, very similar to what we include in Hippocrates lifestyle, puts an emphasis on including different forms of exercise, emotional health, nutritional biochemistry, intake of protein as we age. (Outlive, p.17) he writes “Exercise is by far the most potent longevity drug. No other intervention does nearly as much as to prolong our lifespan and preserve our cognitive and physical function”.

In the Netflix documentary they have established in Sardinia a correlation between the steepness of the village and the lifespan. But surely those people don’t approach this: “ oh I need to get in so many steps a day”, for one lady that walk is simply a way to get to the church.

Quality of sleep

As we find in many wellness evaluation, the quality of sleep is “critical to our innate physiological repair processes, especially in the brain. As any parent knows the accumulation of sleepless nights does sum up to more irritability and reactivity. The quality of sleep can also be largely affected with the food we consume throughout the day, the amount of water intake, stress levels. Looking holistically how to improve sleeping we look into combination of habits, nutrition, tending our emotions, breathwork, supplementation, evening rituals and our reactions when we wake up at night. What we call our secondary emotions. The mood that we are in, affects our thoughts and emotional wellbeing. So there is the whole interconnectivity to be addressed.

Hippocrates wellness framework

When we are using Hippocrates wellness framework for lifestyle mentoring, we follow a holistic model called RESILIENT: responsibility, emotional mastery, sustainability, integrity, living food nutrition, nourishment, exercise immunology, transformation. This is a plant based model. For some people this works really well. Especially those who are unwell and they commit to holistic approach, they are willing to try out a plant based approach much more then someone who considers themselves currently healthy.

Consider eachother’s needs, and meet eachother  with love and respect

In my family the rest of the family is eating everything, I am only one on plant based nutrition.  We are committed to buying local vegetable produce on the market, so that majority is organic, no cow’s milk consumption and minimum dairy in general, we have our own filtration system for water, solar powered house, composting for organic waste, recycling, and a balance and mindfulness of meat consumption and quality in the week. Both with my husband trying to consider eachother’s needs, and meet eachother  with love and respect to what each is following. Trying to keep an open mind and heart to put honouring of self, the other, the relationship and family first.

Lovingkindess and longevity

And at last I am bringing in to this writing the practice of Lovingkindness from mindfulness meditation heart quality practices. In Science direct ( I found a published article “Loving-Kindness Meditation practice associated with longer telomeres in women. Telomeres are protein structures found at both ends of each chromosome and play a vital role in preserving the information in our genome. A small portion of Telomere length may serve to determine the lifespan of a cell and an organism”(source: National library of medicine, Previous research suggests a link between behaviors that focus on the well-being of others, such as volunteering and caregiving, and overall health and longevity. Deepak Chopra in his future of wellbeing was including for this reason volunteering in our weekly schedule as part of lifestyle that supports wellbeing.  In the research mentioned above they examined relative telomere length in a group of individuals experienced in Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM). This is a practice which utilizes a focus on unselfish kindness and warmth towards all people. The conclusion of this study was “Although limited by small sample size, these results offer the intriguing possibility that loving kindness meditation practice, especially in women, might alter RTL, a biomarker associated with longevity.

Furthermore we can also mention the Heart rate variability and longevity studies. As a heartmath coach, we use HRV as part of the training of the heart. Heartmath practices such as quick coherence technique, heart lock in, heartbased breathing are supportive to maintain heart coherence, a balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, correlation with vagus nerve tonus, heart rate variability and longevity.

“Crafting My Personal Symphony of Timelessness”

Navigating Alphaville’s melodies, Dr. Peter Attia’s insights, and centenarian tales on Netflix, I am crafting a personal symphony of timelessness. It’s not merely about the quantity of years but the quality of moments, the depth of connections, and the resonance of a heart fully engaged in the dance of life. Through this journey, I strive to harmonize the pursuit of youth with the wisdom gained from introspection, embracing a life that is not just lived but celebrated in every note of existence with having the courage to live with an open, trusting heart. Including the knowledge about healthy lifestyle but not becoming a prisoner of “shoulds” and forgetting the joy of life and simplicity of being in tune with the moment

Living a Sustainable and Holistic Lifestyle: A Guide to Green Living with Hippocrates Wellness Principles

Exploring letter S for sustainability in acronym RESILIENT in Hippocrates Wellness lifestyle

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of green living and sustainability has become increasingly important. As we strive to lead healthier, more environmentally conscious lives, integrating Hippocrates wellness principles into our daily routines can offer a holistic approach to sustainable living. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can incorporate elements such as growing your own sprouts, zero waste practices, non-toxic cleaning products, decluttered spaces, and non-toxic cosmetics into your lifestyle.

The Hippocrates Wellness Lifestyle and Sustainability

Hippocrates, often regarded as the father of modern medicine, emphasized the importance of treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – for optimal health. The principles of Hippocrates wellness align closely with the concept of sustainable living, focusing on nurturing the body, minimizing environmental impact, and promoting overall well-being.

Growing Your Own Sprouts

One of the simplest and most sustainable ways to enhance your diet is by growing your own sprouts. Sprouts are rich in nutrients, require minimal space and resources, and can be cultivated year-round. By embracing sprout cultivation, you not only contribute to your own health but also reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting produce from afar.

Zero Waste Practices

Adopting zero waste practices is another fundamental aspect of sustainable living. This involves minimizing single-use plastics, composting organic waste, and choosing products with minimal packaging. By following the principles of zero waste, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

Non-Toxic Cleaning Products and Decluttered Spaces

Traditional cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can negatively impact both our health and the environment. By transitioning to non-toxic cleaning products and decluttering your living spaces, you create a healthier indoor environment while reducing the overall consumption of harmful chemicals. Embracing simplicity, minimalism, and the creation of a beautiful and warm space in your living areas not only supports sustainability but also promotes a sense of calm and well-being.

In conclusion, integrating elements of green living and sustainability into your daily life through the lens of Hippocrates wellness principles can lead to a more holistic and fulfilling lifestyle. By growing your own sprouts, embracing zero waste practices, opting for non-toxic cleaning products and cosmetics, and maintaining decluttered spaces, you contribute to both personal well-being and the greater good of the planet. Remember, small changes can have a significant impact, and by aligning with these principles, you pave the way for a more sustainable and harmonious future.

Here are some tips for beginning of the year clean up:

  1. Assess and Sort Items:
    • Start by assessing the items in your living space and categorizing them into things you want to keep, donate, recycle, or discard. This step helps you identify items that can be repurposed or recycled, reducing unnecessary waste.
  2. Donate or Sell Unwanted Items:
    • Instead of throwing away items in good condition, consider donating them to local charities or selling them through online platforms. This extends the life cycle of the items and reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills.
  3. Eco-Friendly Storage Solutions:
    • Invest in sustainable and eco-friendly storage solutions such as bamboo storage bins, recycled plastic organizers, or repurposed wooden crates. Opt for containers made from natural materials to minimize the environmental impact.
  4. Upcycle and Repurpose:
    • Get creative with items you no longer need. Upcycle old furniture, repurpose glass jars for storage, or turn fabric scraps into reusable cleaning cloths. Repurposing items reduces the demand for new products and minimizes waste.
  5. Mindful Purchasing:
    • After decluttering, adopt a mindful approach to purchasing new items. Choose durable, high-quality products with minimal packaging and opt for multi-functional items to reduce the need for excessive consumption.
  6. Electronic Waste Recycling:
    • If decluttering involves old electronics, ensure to recycle them responsibly. Many communities have e-waste recycling programs that allow you to dispose of electronic items in an environmentally friendly manner.
  7. Conscious Disposal:
    • For items that cannot be repurposed or recycled, dispose of them responsibly. Research local recycling centers or hazardous waste disposal facilities to ensure items are handled in an environmentally safe manner.
  8. Natural Cleaning Products: When decluttering, use natural and non-toxic cleaning products to maintain a healthy indoor environment. This minimizes the release of harmful chemicals into the environment and reduces your exposure to toxins. I am using at home  eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products from Mother’s Love. My favorite are: Multipurpose Cleaner, Glass Cleaner, and Floor Cleaner, to maintain a clean and sustainable living space [1]. I love to support local women entrepreneurs like Ina, the creator of Mother’s Love Natural Products, by incorporating her eco-friendly and effective cleaning products into your sustainable living practices.
  9. Minimalist Mindset:
    • Embrace a minimalist mindset by focusing on owning only what you truly need and love. I am learning to do this and even if I manage, the whole family is still in the learning process. We all have some things that we hold on to and eventhough we are not using them anymore, it is hard to let go.
  10. Composting Organic Waste:
  • If applicable, consider composting organic waste from decluttering, such as food scraps and biodegradable materials. Composting reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and creates nutrient-rich soil for gardening. In my parents home we used a simple dedicated space with wood for compost, nowadays we use a two fold drum that is efficient and practical, however longterm the traditional wooden one was more eco friendly.

To conclude, I would invite you to approach this process in a gentle way, slowly with playfulness and with what is an improvement for you from where you were before.  You don’t need to do all at once. Throw and give away too much. Do it slowly and mindfully. And if you need some support on this that’s what Hippocrates lifestyle mentorship is about.

Embracing a holistic approach to beauty

Embracing a holistic approach to beauty

Aging is a natural part of life, and rather than fighting against it, we can choose to nurture and accept our bodies as they change over time. Often the cosmetic brands are enforcing an attitude of holding on to youth by even naming the products for mature skin in a way that implies “resisting, defying…”.  I do wish that would move into more nurturing way, nothing to fight against.

By understanding the impermanence of our physical selves, our inner life, and the impact of external factors like global climate change, sun exposure, and stress, we can develop a balanced approach to skincare that promotes nurturing of inner as well as outer. In this article, we will explore the concept of ageless beauty, the importance of self-care, and how to approach choosing your skin care that is most aligned with you.

This is quite an interesting field of discussion. With new wellness approaches and nutrition one is actually able to reverse aging. Some people who have changed their lifestyle at their chronologically older age actually look more youthful then they did couple of years ago.

Accompanying new wellness and lifestyle guidelines for healthy life,  the skincare  offers new developments products that are not toxic anymore, and give a good result in helping the skin look youthful, nurtured and radiant. The point I am making here is that by adopting different lifestyle and supporting with quality non- toxic skincare is actually possible to appear more youthful than one did in the past.

Now, let’s explore what the driver behind the change in lifestyle and quality skincare can be. The motivation can stem from fear and the insistence on maintaining a youthful appearance, perfectionism or it can hold it’s core in a nurturing, loving care for yourself together with embracing the natural process of aging. It’s a distinction between the apprehension of “I must look great and youthful” and the acceptance of “aging is normal, and I choose to care for myself, while being confident in who I am.”

My grandmother was around 75 and when she looked herself in the mirror she said: ”it is hard to realize this is me as well now, because I still feel so young at my heart”. My perception of her is shaped by the vibrant, curious life force within her. I saw her as a beautiful and intriguing woman who takes care of herself, exuding confidence. It was this confidence that served as her magnetic quality.

Recently I have been traveling with my family to Vietnam and while strolling on the streets of Saigon, we came across a heartfelt gallery. One of those things on the trip that just calls for you. The colors, the portraits, the Life.  That was Rehahn’s gallery.  I found myself standing in front of the portrait of a lady from a series of portraits named ageless Beauty.

The Concept of Ageless Beauty

Ageless beauty is about celebrating the marks of time and finding beauty in the wisdom and experiences that come with aging. It challenges society’s traditional notion of beauty, which often values youth and external perfection. These portraits remind us that true beauty lies in the stories and history leaving memories of impressions on our faces.

Moreover, I notice expressions of benevolence, humility, joy, and lovingkindness on these faces. Collectively, they create a sense of beauty within me and inspire a desire to embrace lovingkindness and love, steering away from feelings of rage, anger, or resentment.

Embracing Impermanence: Nurturing the inner

In addition to nurturing our physical selves, it’s essential to cultivate inner peace and acceptance. The concept of impermanence, as embraced in Buddhism, teaches us that everything changes and nothing lasts forever. By understanding and accepting this universal truth, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Step 1: Accepting Impermanence

Acknowledge that change is an inherent part of life. Embrace the impermanence of all things, including your physical body, relationships, and circumstances. By accepting impermanence, you can release attachment and find peace in the present moment.

“Impermanence does not necessarily lead to suffering. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Step 2: Embracing Change as an Opportunity

View every situation, whether joyful or painful, as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Embrace change with an open heart and a willingness to learn and adapt. By reframing change as an opportunity, you can find meaning and purpose in every experience.

Step 3: Practicing Mindful Awareness

Develop a daily mindfulness meditation practice to cultivate present-moment awareness. Mindfulness allows you to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, fostering a deep connection with yourself and the world around you.

Step 4: Cultivating Self-Compassion

Extend compassion and kindness to yourself, embracing your flaws and imperfections. Treat yourself with the same care and understanding as you would a dear friend. Practice self-compassion through positive self-talk and acts of self-care.

Step 5: Building Authentic Connections

Nurture meaningful and authentic relationships with others. Communicate openly and honestly, expressing your true thoughts and feelings. Build connections based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

Step 6: Setting Healthy Boundaries

Learn to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships. Respect your own needs and values, and communicate them clearly to others. Setting boundaries allows you to protect your well-being and maintain a sense of inner peace.

Step 7: Developing Emotional Intelligence

Deepen your understanding of your emotions and their meaning. Learn to differentiate between emotions and feelings, interpretations,  allowing yourself to fully experience and express them in a healthy and constructive manner.

Step 8: Practicing Forgiveness

Cultivate forgiveness towards yourself and others. Release resentment and grudges, freeing yourself from the burden of past hurts. Forgiveness allows for healing and opens the door to inner peace.

Step 9: Living with Gratitude

Cultivate a daily practice of gratitude, expressing appreciation for the present moment and all the blessings in your life. Start each day with a sense of gratitude, recognizing the beauty and abundance that surrounds you.

Managing Stress for Healthy Skin

Stress can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being, including our skin. It can lead to increased inflammation, breakouts, and dullness. Incorporating stress management techniques into your daily routine can help promote healthy skin and overall inner peace.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to cultivate a calm and centered state of mind. Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and bring yourself into the present moment. This can help reduce stress levels and improve skin health.
  • Self-Care Rituals: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as taking a warm bath, practicing yoga, or enjoying a hobby. Prioritize self-care to nourish your body, mind, and soul, IR sauna is also nice to support collagen production in the body, detox.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, drink water, and get enough sleep. These lifestyle choices can help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being.

From attacking, handling, fixing your skin to loving it

We had a good laugh with my beauty therapist when she started with the massage on my face so vigorously to tackle those fine lines. When I felt that energy, I asked her, can you just give some love and nurture to my skin. It felt such a focus to tame and erase.

I like the approach when we consider facial muscles and tonus as you would take care of the rest of the body to keep the vitality in the cells with exercise, same with the face.

And I am a big fan of good quality cosmetics. I would love if everything would be organic, but some of those products I don’t enjoy because of their smell, lack of research and tests behind it, shorter shelf life. So at the end I have come to terms with somewhere in the middle. This somewhere in the middle is able to cover up some hiccups of stress, occasional dehydration and still not containing any of the toxic ingredients, not being tested on animals. And for daily use still use high quality brands that combine natural and research. Besides that it is important to enjoy the feel of the product when applying it on the skin, the smell and seeing that skin is taking in the love and support with gratitude.