All of me integration

One of the continuous workshops I attend annually is In Pursuit of Authentic Self.

When i started this work i thought, why would one do a workshop with same title every year?

But in consistency, there is growth and taking note of growth.

We are changing all the time, evolving doesn’t stop.  There is shedding off the limitations and gaining inner power in being more of yourself. Knowing yourself and loving yourself more with all there is.

On one occasion on this growth I have written this poem. Pls read it in a way of understanding that this doesn’t mean “here brilliant, done that” it means what i was able to process heal, i have integrated and then continue.


What is on the surface and what is in the depth

Become one

Integrated in all of me.

What is it the parts that I am leaving out

Like someone drawing a self portrait

And doesn’t notice he didn’t draw his ears

Or neck or brows

What I am not noticing that I am leaving

Which part of me,

Has vowed to burry so deep that I forgot it
ever existed?

Whenever there is a burial

There is a leaving behind

There is a sorrow of aolean scale

“You” brings in the myxolidian scale, the

The new soul, reborn, integrated in true

Seeing myself wholly.

Old stories let go

Let me see new world and new me in it.


Getting real

Getting real

by Susan Campbell, PhD.

This book is a must read for topics of being true to yourself, congruency, authenticity.

It offers the language for the journey back to self as well as better understanding of what we experience when we decide to recommit to ourselves and being real, congruent.

Getting real requires peeling off the layers of seeking approval, safety or trust to feel safe enough, trusting enough for the essence to come through more.

When the essence is able to flow more through you as appropriate, one becomes more at peace with who you are.

This journey is accompanied  with noticing where we are controlling out of fear and protecting ourselves. It requires the willingness to stay with uncomfortable feelings to get to a place of real intimacy. It requires the courage to find your own expression.


Here are some of my favorite parts from Getting real:

It is part of the human journey to start out whole, then to continually cut off parts of ourselves in response to real or imagined pain, and to spend the rest of our lives searching for what we have cut off, buried, and forgotten about.

When you know how to notice and stay with an uncomfortable experience, you have true freedom. You are not compelled by your conditioning to need things to be a certain way for you to feel okay.

When asserting your desires, you′re going to bump up against the other person′s boundaries. You might even push some buttons along the way. By bumping against her with your request, you′re ″calling her out,″ you′re asking her to be more than her limited view of herself. Or you may be giving her practice holding her ground. Either way, it′s not going to do her any real harm


I am enough


by Jess Glyne

Years ago we enrolled together with my dear friend Eleftheria to Brene’s Brown online course The gift of imperfection. We did the journaling and challenged and supported eachother. One part was also taking your own selfie and writing on the palm of my hand I am enough. It took many hours of sitting with myself and group to accept a bit more of me, to come to a place of really buying more to the writing on my hand.  Maybe starting with giving myself persmission to just be true me once a week:)

As the lyrics say:

Sometimes I’m shy, and I’m anxiousSometimes I’m down on my kneesSometimes I try to embrace all my insecuritiesSo I won’t wear makeup on Thursday‘Cause who I am is enough