

As a gift to myself to my upcoming birthday I have asked my friend Claire who runs a writing temple,  a kahuna therapist and lover of poetry to guide me through some inspiration for new writing.

We went to a beautiful garden (the photo above Claire took) and this is the writing from this day:





The family came picking up chestnuts and the girl picked one up and said: look what I have found! The chestnut opened and there was both a spiky shell and the fruit inside.


One tree leaning towards other, the other ones branches reaching to the one next, yet it is very clear they are two of them, shaping the window of possibility and openness.


The bridge, soft and rounded fence,

Gently resting in front.

Thank you for the warning, it may come handy some day, but today is not the day.


That day came when she realized she was lit,

That with being lit, she is living her purpose.

Together with the flame, the candle gave light where they were placed.

The flame needed the candle to rest there burning, the candle needed the flame to give light.


(B.C. 04.09.2024)